Automatic Traffic Light controller | 4 Way Traffic Signal Control System | Proteus Project


Automatic Traffic Light controller | 4 Way Traffic Signal Control System | Proteus Project


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An and Density Control System using Microcontroller. Traffic control is a big issue in today’s world. Traffic jam is one of the major problems in a densely populated city like Guwahati where the population and number of running vehicles are much more than their capacity. Due to traffic jam, a substantial portion of work is spent on the streets which indirectly put an adverse impact on the economy and unavoidable road accident which results in the loss of lives. The number of vehicles is ever increasing while the city infrastructures are developing at a much slower rate. The management of traffic in Guwahati is also a tough job and only manual efforts are not sufficient to stop kind of problem. So we need machines. We need a system that can handle such a situation effectively. Today’s traffic control systems can handle such a situation but are not that effective because they are static in nature. We need a system that is dynamic in nature so that it can handle traffic smoothly and such a system is called an Automatic Traffic Control System. In this paper, four methods of automatic traffic light control systems are presented. A comparison study has been done and presented here.




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