GSM, Microcontroller Based Fire detection and SMS Alert system it uses LM35 Temperature Sensor and MQ2 for Smoke sensing and 16×2 LCD is used to display temperature and Smoke Level, Over limit setpoints are set inside the program you can modify it as per your requirements, It Sends SMS when set limits are crossed through GSM modem that is attached to Serial Rxd and Txd Pins, Set your mobile number inside the code in SendSMS subroutine. It generates Sound When Fire is detected for alerting. Features: 1. Disconnects Electrical Supply as soon as Fire is detected 2. Sends Fire Alert SMS with Temperature and Smoke Level to Given number. 3. Makes Loud Sound using the buzzer to alert about the fire. 4. Uses Standard MQ2 Smoke Sensor and LM35 Temperature Sensor 5. Low Cost : 1. Atmega 8 Microcontroller 2. LM35 Temperature Sensor 3. MQ2 Smoke Sensor 4. 16×2 LCD 5. BC548 6. 1K Ohm Resistors 7. GSM Modem (SIM300 or SIM900) 8. Buzzer 1. SMS-based Fire Alarm systems are very useful in remote locations where human interaction is limited. Such systems are useful in mines, industrial areas, factories, etc. 2. Night Owl – We all know owls don’t sleep during the night. SMS-based Fire Alarm system helps to monitor locations and alert during fire that occurs in the nighttime. 3. Quick Actions to shut down Fire – 90% of fire damages occur due to a lack of early fire detection. A fire attack is usually silent and people will know about fire only when it has spread across a large area. SMS-based Fire Alert system gives warning immediately to multiple mobile numbers and hence remedy actions can be taken quickly. This helps to prevent major damages and losses created by a fire accident. ========================================== This Project Includes
Project Code (ATmel Sketch)
➡️ Proteus Simulation file (.pds)